Thanks for nominating me for Liebster Award Megan!
The Rules:
-Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them.
-If nominated, write '11 Random Facts' about yourself!
-Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you.
-Come up with 11 new questions to be answered by 11 new nominees.
Random Facts:
1.I am obsessed with the Gilmore Girls.
2.I own more handbags than shoes.
3.I drink Diet Coke everyday.
4.My favourite book is The Lost Art Of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice.
5.My first job was working in a farm shop packing peanuts, for peanuts!
6.I have appalling eyesight.
7.I love countryside pubs.
8.I have a Springer Spaniel whose called Perro, it means dog in Spanish. My dad was taking Spanish lessons at the time!
9.My dream car is a Mini Cooper.
10.The best holiday I've been on was travelling around Florida.
11.I have a huge collection of Vogues and Elles that date six years back.
Here's the questions Megan Set:
1. What's you favourite item of clothing?
My grey, fur lined cardigan from Topshop that I've had for about three years now.
2. Why did you start your blog?
I wanted to improve my writing, express my opinions and have a place to put my work!
3. What would you like to achieve in your career?
I'm hoping to become an event manager and freelance writer. One day I would like to open my own vintage store and tearoom.
4. Where do you see yourself in five years time?
I have no idea. Hopefully working as an event manager or owning my own business.
5. What is your favourite shop?
When my friend owned a vintage shop, that was my favourite. But now I probably shop most in Topshop.
6. List 5 beauty products you couldn't live without?
Mascara, Foundation, Blusher, Cleansing Wipes and Eyebrow Pencil.
7. What is your favourite season for fashion?
Spring, without a doubt. It's new, fresh and exciting. A new year and the hope of summer.
8. If you could be any animal what would you be?
An Owl!
9. If you were given £2,000 where would you spend it and on what?
I would take me and my boyfriend on holiday somewhere hot! And just have a luxury holiday with plenty of shopping!
10. Most visited website?
Facebook, I'm addicted I'm ashamed to say!
11. Pizza or Pasta?
Ooooh! That is hard to decide! I'm a carb fanatic so both!
My nominations:
Questions for my nominees:
1.How did you come up with your blog name?
2.What's your favourite restaurant or cafe?
3.How many shoes do you own? Honestly!
4.How long does it take to get up in the morning?
5.Who, in your opinion, is the best dressed celebrity?
6.What is your dream job?
7.Where would you like to live?
8.What's your favourite memory?
9.Are you still friends with your BFF from Primary School?
10.What do you do to relax?
11.What did you last watch?